Unconventional Teaching Methods

Unconventional Teaching Methods

These are five unconventional teaching methods – or learning, if you prefer – drawn from the experience of our Bachelor Programme in Alternative Education. We hope they’ll inspire you to approach learning for what it is – an engaging and fulfilling activity, at its core.

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Why was planet protection left to activism?

Why was planet protection left to activism?

The Earth is changing; our environment is dying. If one of the primary roles of education is to equip people with the knowledge to make a positive difference in society, why is Planet Protection most often not included in schools’ curricula? Why is it regarded as something individual activists need to take care of?

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The footprints of Teaching Practice

The footprints of Teaching Practice

DNS 2017, the senior team, is now finalising one of the last periods of DNS programme: Teaching Practice. Teaching Practice lets us experiment in the reality of the classroom, apply teaching methodologies and most importantly, make mistakes and learn from them. However, teaching practice doesn’t end after the lessons. We also contribute to the teaching practice place by being in charge of the programme in the school and initiating a chosen project, our “Footprint”.

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European Reality from the eyes of a DNS student

European Reality from the eyes of a DNS student

European Reality is a 6-months period, part of the second year of the DNS programme, during which the team moves to a bigger European City with the goal to find jobs, a House, learn about the European working class’ way of living, and get involved in the city’s cultural life. In this article, you can hear Laura from DNS17 expressing her view on the educational value of experiencing such a period!

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