It is through weekly common meetings that we run and govern our school. Here’s why they are so important to our lifestyle and pedagogy here at DNS Tvind!

10 surprising elements of community life
If you are curious about what it is like to live in a community, here are 10 elements of community life that you might find surprising – drawn from the collective experience of our 50-year-old Community in Denmark.
The concept and practice of integration in Tvind
Integration is an important aspect, or rather one of the goals, of the “Tvind Pedagogy”. In Tvind, deliberate effort is regularly put into reflecting about how to make it better, into adjusting our knowledge of it to each student and into constantly finding out new ways to make them feel like they belong. These concepts and reflections later materialise in the many ways in which we actually exercise integration.
Community Frames
To ensure the best possible conditions for the programme, the teachers’ council has set frames, including our “no drugs, no alcohol” policy.
Community Lifestyle
Community life means sharing life together. It includes daily life like preparing meals, cleaning, gardening, studying together and gaining experiences.
DNS since 1972 – History of DNS
DNS since 1972 · History of DNS The story of DNS begins in the small country of Denmark in Northern Europe, where 100 young adults met on a farming property called Tvind on a fresh, windy autumn day in the far western part of Jutland. That day, they started on a...
Tuesday Café at Tvind
Tuesdays evening is always special at the campus in Tvind. It is the evening of the Tuesday café, where everybody at Tvind are together, enjoying a nice program with all kinds of activities.
Vegan lifestyle
Students at DNS take a great interest in food and sustainable lifestyles and diets. Thus, having a vegan lifestyle has gained momentum at our college during the last years. Tvind is a vegan friendly campus.
“Radical October” report
Something happened at DNS during the spring of 2017. There was a sense of wanting to break up the ordinary routine, work across the teams and to “lift up” the college – to “go radical”
DNS is not just a school
DNS is not just a school, but a program that becomes your life for 4 years and stays with you 4 ever. The demands are high and the programme challenges the students to abandon their comfort zones.
Self sufficient living
Growing our own food means freedom: freedom to know what we eat, freedom from big markets, freedom from pesticides and freedom to know that our agricultural practices are not harming the environment.
Rescuing food from becoming waste
Dumpster diving as a solution to fight food waste has gained visibility all over Europe. Many young adults are opting to practice it as a form of protest, a form of awareness and a form of saving food from landfills.