There are too many things I want to learn and share: being a teacher combines both – Svetlana, alumni and DNS Teacher

There are too many things I want to learn and share: being a teacher combines both – Svetlana, alumni and DNS Teacher

To choose the path of teaching took me some time, I must say. It started on my very first 1st of September, this is the day when the school year starts in Lithuania. I simply loved it. And I am not talking about the lessons and tests, but about all the kinds of people I got to interact with and about the learning process that was happening there, somehow in between lessons most of the time. Though I was in love with the school and Summer holidays always seemed too long of a break, I never thought I will become a teacher. It is now, when I reflect, I see lots of sense in my actions and choices that led me to choose this profession.

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Cultures United

Cultures United

Reflections from an action packed Erasmus+ project at the Tvind campus with participants from six countries sharing their stories. Expressing and creating culture through different forms of workshops.

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Hot Air Balloon Championships

Hot Air Balloon Championships

Hot Air Balloon Team Tvind is a joint venture between DNS and the three care homes on the campus. A balloon team needs a pilot, a navigator, a crew of three people and a driver: Mantvydas from DNS 2017.

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Cultural Events and Activities

Cultural Events and Activities

  Cultural Events & Activities Cultural events and activities are a big part of the education programme at DNS. We organise many of them ourselves, but we also join others as volunteers, performers or just participators. We take every event as an opportunity...

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Meet the Dunes

Meet the Dunes

It has always been something fascinating but at the same time extremely far away. Something to dream about. The dunes of the desert. To experience these majestic natural phenomena is a life changing experience.

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