
Get Involved

If you are interested in our way of learning and living, we invite you to join us!

There are a few ways how you can do that. One of them is to come to one of our camps which take place several times a year. Another way would be to come for a long term volunteering position at our campus.

Short term Volunteering

The Tvind campus serves as a venue for various events throughout the year. Some of them are organized for schools and youth with marginalized backgrounds. Others are dedicated camps or courses with specific themes for anyone interested.  The camps usually span from 7 to 10 days. If you would like to take part or get more information and updates about the camps please feel free to fill in the form at the bottom.

Olympics – Interschool Sports Event

Tvind Sports OL takes place from the 8th to the 16th of September. The sports event is a long-standing tradition where children and youth from schools and care homes in Denmark get together for two days of sport, games, social interaction and lots of fun. Around 500 people attend the event.

More than 60 disciplines need to be organized- everything from team sports like football, volleyball, and basketball to archery, athletics, cycling, climbing, and other individual sports. There are also many activities for people who are not great sports enthusiasts like giant chess, street art, angling, puzzle games, etc.

The disciplines are organized by students from DNS and schools who train Development Instructors since it is an excellent opportunity to hone organizational skills and teamwork abilities.

This camp is held in late summer, and is free of charge to attend.

Volunteer in Denmark at the Tvind campus.
Volunteer in Denmark at the Tvind campus.

Everyday sustainability – 10 day summer camp

This year’s Summer Camp is for people interested in finding more sustainable ways to navigate through everyday life. You will be part of a program filled with sustainable solutions and will be able to exchange your ideas with people from around the world.

There will be theoretical courses about a variety of topics that affect our everyday life, like fast fashion, biodiversity or animal agriculture. You will also go on investigations and get some hands-on experiences like learning how to up-cycle your own clothes, build an insect hotel or cook in a sustainable way.

If you are motivated to learn and actively contribute to a more sustainable world, this is the perfect camp to join. This camp is held in summer, and costs a fee to attend.

The camp is from 4th to the 13th of July.

Travel to Learn – 5 week bus travel camp

After going on their 4-month travel to western Africa, some of our DNS students were inspired to share their experience with the rest of the world by organizing a summer camp to take them on a similar adventure.

The camp will consist of a bus travel from our campus here in Denmark to Morocco, traveling and living together in a team setting using the bus as a home base and going on investigations along the journey.

The travel is from the 23 of June to the 28 of July.

What are you waiting for?

Volunteer in Denmark and work with you people.
Volunteer in Denmark at the Tvind campus.

Winter Concert – a classical event

The Winter Concert takes place every January. It involves professional musicians, dancers, and singers from all the world performing unique compositions on our international stage.

The artists involve many students and teachers (from our network of schools) in their performances and bring them closer to the world of classical music, traditional dance and contemporary art. In our school center, we have students with challenging backgrounds. The concert brings a high culture level for the most excluded part of society and their family and friends.

The concert is also open for local residents who can join the concert for free.

This camp is held in January, and is free of charge to attend. 

Peace Justice Conference

The Peace Justice Conference aims to bring quality discussions and create a platform to discuss peace and justice by connecting people within our beautiful world’s diversity, connecting the wisdom and awareness with our daily lives and, altogether, strive for a better world.

As a volunteer, in this Camp you can contribute by creating diverse products based on peace and social justice. This could be theatre, videos, musical performances, murals, or other visual arts and practical preparations. The camp products will be presented at the conference as well. You can join the conference for a weekend or a full week.

This camp is held in late spring, and to attend there are some costs to cover.

Volunteer in Denmark and work with you people.

Long term Volunteering

We can offer long term volunteering positions for people who would like to experience the campus’ community life while contributing with a specific skill. The different areas we could use a hand with are garden farming, sustainability, social integration, communication & media. You would receive food and accommodation during the stay.

Volunteer in Denmark at the Tvind campus.

Garden Farming

As part of our efforts to become a sustainable community, we cannot forget to mention our garden farming! A greenhouse, two large fields, some chickens and other animals make up our school farm.

We grow vegetables, fruit trees and berry bushes, which supply us with sustainable and ecological products through autumn and, sometimes, even winter. All of Tvind’s inhabitants take care of the gardens and enjoy the results!

The task to be carried in this position relates to planning seasonally, maintain and develop the garden.



Get in touch with us

Contact us…

Skorkærvej 8,
6990 Ulfborg

+45 20 35 23 54

+45 23 88 01 12


Get Involved

If you are interested in our way of learning and living, we invite you to get involved with us!

The Tvind campus is the venue of many different events throughout the year. Some of them are organized for schools and youth with marginalized backgrounds. Others are dedicated camps or courses with specific themes for anyone interested.  The camps usually span from 7 to 10 days. If you would like to take part or get more information and updates about the camps fill in the form here.

Short Term Volunteering

Olympics – Interschool Sports Event

Tvind Sports OL takes place from the 8th to the 16th of September. The sports event is a long-standing tradition where children and youth from schools and care homes in Denmark get together for two days of sport, games, social interaction and lots of fun. Around 500 people attend the event.

Over 60 disciplines are organized by students from DNS and schools who train Development Instructors since it is an excellent opportunity to hone organizational skills and teamwork abilities.

This camp is held in late summer, and is free of charge to attend.

Volunteer at our Winter Concert in January 2022!

Winter Concert – A Classical Event

The Winter Concert takes place every January. It involves professional musicians, dancers, and singers from all the world performing unique compositions on our international stage.

The concert is also open for local residents who can join the concert for free.

This camp is held in January, and is free of charge to attend. 

peace justice conference 2023

Peace Justice Conference

The Peace Justice Conference aims to bring quality discussions and create a platform to discuss peace and justice by connecting people, connecting the wisdom and awareness with our daily lives and strive for a better world.

As a volunteer, in this Camp you can contribute by creating diverse products based on peace and social justice. This could be theatre, videos, musical performances, murals, or other visual arts and practical preparations. The camp products will be presented at the conference as well. You can join the conference for a weekend or a full week.

This camp is held in late spring, and to attend there are some costs to cover.

Long Term Volunteering


Garden Farming

As part of our efforts to become a sustainable community, we cannot forget to mention our garden farming! A greenhouse, two large fields, some chickens and other animals make up our school farm.

We grow vegetables, fruit trees and berry bushes, which supply us with sustainable and ecological products through autumn and, sometimes, even winter. All of Tvind’s inhabitants take care of the gardens and enjoy the results!

The task to be carried in this position relates to planning seasonally, maintain and develop the garden.

Get in touch with us

Contact us…

Skorkærvej 8,
6990 Ulfborg

+45 20 35 23 54

+45 23 88 01 12



Hi there!

Welcome to DNS! I am right here if you need help

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