Travel to Learn 2025:
Stories of Tunisia
Experience a different reality
Face the big issues of our time
During the Camp

What can you expect?
During the travel, you will experience the beauty of traveling and living on a bus together as a team. You will gain a different perspective on topics such as Climate Change, Colonialism, Social Justice, Conflicts, and Globalization. You will challenge yourself and expand your comfort zone by getting involved in adventures by meeting different people and their realities.
During the first year of the DNS program we are going to travel in the bus from Denmark to different countries in Western Africa. It is challenging and very fruitful period during which we learn a lot. That is why we decided to bring the methods we used to other people and share our experiences. We want to grow together during this journey outside of our “european bubble” and inspire people to see the world with their own eyes.

What will it be like?
The whole 5-weeks long project will start in our campus in Denmark. In the first few days we will prepare ourselves and our bus for the journey. We are going to cross Europe by bus and spend around 2 weeks in Tunisia, traveling around and learning as much as possible from the people we meet on our way and from the places themselves. Afterwards we will travel back to Denmark and spend a few days in the DNS campus reflecting on our experiences and creating the final product that you can share with your friends and colleagues back at home.
Who are we?
We are Xenia, Ida and Asja, students and graduates at DNS, The Necessary Teacher Training College in Denmark.
Contact: +45 50651419
More information
When and Where?
26th of June to 30th of July of 2025. Arrival expected on the 24th/25th of June. You can agree with us to come a day or two earlier. The travel will start and finish at the Tvind International School Centre, Skorkaervej 8, Ulfborg, 6990, Denmark. That is our meeting point.
How much will it cost?
The cost of the 35-day programme is 2000 euros. This money will cover food, accommodation, all the bus travel expenses, some extra activities and a lift from and to the local train station. The travel from your home country to Denmark is not included. If this cost is too much for you, we have some scholarships available that you can apply for in the form.
Who can join?
The course is dedicated to anyone who is passionate about traveling and learning about the world through first-hand experiences. Anyone over 18 years old who is ready to travel, challenge themselves, and share one month with a team is welcome! The course will be in English.
How to apply?
Click on the button below and fill in the application form for the camp – you will be contacted by the organizers within five days. Each participant is requested to take part in an information meeting after filling out the application form, during which you will be able to ask all of your questions.
Time to the camp