
Dear everyone,

This year turned out completely different than we had imagined. At the same time, so many things happened, just as we planned for. It has been a very productive and eventful year. Here are some of the things we have achieved together in 2020.

Developing the DNS programme together

DNS 2020 have in so many ways been pioneers in further developing the program; Travelling by bus and bike in Denmark, making investigations about the world from our local area and developing a whole new month of January under the headline “Art for Change”.

DNS has been more present than ever online – DNS 2019 reached hundreds of people worldwide with their many presentations, products and more. Many have contributed by giving good courses to everyone interested. In total, we have given over 100 courses online.

Three new DNS teachers and a new team

We have gotten three new teachers at DNS: Ryma, Jenifer and Tuuliki! Hurra for this. We already look forward to seeing who else will join us in 2021 where 2-3 more teachers are needed.

DNS 2021 are now 13 enrolled at the end of 2020. Already a big team with lots of energy and sticking together capacity.

Biggest harvest to date from our Garden Farming

With collective forces, we have had the biggest harvest ever, and for a big part of the year, our garden has provided us with healthy, organic food. In autumn we had meals where 70% of the food was from our garden! Many hours were spent together with our hands in the soil, and in good company. 

Making our campus more sustainable

We had yet another very productive Building Week in DNS, and our buildings inside and outside got a lift. In Tvind, 2020 has been a year of many big projects and new facilities. To mention a few; over 50 new toilets, a bio sewage system and many heating pumps improving our sustainability.

Summer school and activities on campus

Tvind International Choir and our band ‘The Weird Ones’ has started. Throughout the year, everyone has shown extraordinary creativity regarding creating corona safe activities.

We held our biggest summer school with 17 participants, that has inspired us to plan for many more camps and shorter courses in the new year. You will hear more about this!

This has been a great year of integration, with many good activities for all students and lots of human connections being built all the time. This is a true win-win-win. We all gain from the common life that we create together.

Building our Big Collective

We have had a year with a lot of sticking together on all levels. Many good common meetings, being together about qualifying each team’s program, finding solutions when needed and governing our school together. And in the whole year of 2020, no one has left the program.

During this year, we have also worked on developing visions for DNS and Tvind for the years to come. Many big ideas and plans are in the pipeline. You will hear more about this in the new year.

Thank you for an extraordinary year.



    Hi there!

    Welcome to DNS! I am right here if you need help

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